Thursday, October 19, 2006

News - Keane - Tom Chaplin - The One and Only

No Comments.... apenas que ele há alguns artistas que deviam dedicar-se a outras artes.

Keane's Chaplin reveals shock news: drink and drugs are everywhere!

Keane singer Tom Chaplin has been speaking to Radio 1 about his recent spell in The Priory, where he battled to overcome his drink and drug addictions.

Chaplin spoke to the radio station ahead of the band's show in Hull on Tuesday night. He described entering rehab as "walking to the edge of a cliff and looking into the abyss”, and continued: "you can either jump off or turn round and walk back. Thankfully for me it was the latter.”

In an amazing revelation, Chaplin commented: “Drugs and drink and all those things are something that are everywhere now.”

Oooh Eeem Geee? Chaplin said that he had to be aware of these temptations in the future. Good Chaplin, tea and crumpets for you, post-gig, from now on.

Seriously, though: drink and drugs are bad. Like, really. And don't go giving me that Bill Hicks spiel, 'cause he dead.



Anonymous said...

Coitadinho, a industria ia matando o menino. Talvez fosse melhor ir para as minas da china tentar nova vida. Grande chulo é o que esse gajo é.

Narcísico said...

Naaa nada disso... É obvio que isto é um golpe de Marketing. para dar um ar de Rock Star, de forma a agradar gregos e troianos. Aquele tótó drogas e alcool?
Não estou a dizer que as drogas e o alcool dão estilo, mas muita malta do rock vai olhar para estes gajos com outros olhos porque já começam a parecer rebeldes... Enfim... Viva o Marketing